I am driving home from The Home Depot with practically the entire garden center in the back of my big purse, aka, my aging SUV.
Rubi is sitting beside me on the center divider, just observing things.
Note: Sometimes I wonder what she observes when she sits there. She sits very tall with her chin tilted upward, probably to see over the dashboard. When I point out something of potential interest to her, she looks with great intent to wherever I gesture.
Right now I am gesturing at a lady walking down the street, holding her cat.
Rubi looks, with great intent.
The lady is placing the cat down on the sidewalk. The cat is on a leash.
Note: Silly lady.
The cat sits there.
The lady walks away, about five feet or so which is, of course, the length of the leash. She tugs on the leash.
The cat flops over. The cat is on its side on the sidewalk, yes.
The lady picks up the cat and then places it back down on the sidewalk.
Note: Silly lady.
The cat sits there.
Again, she walks away, about five feet or so which is, of course, the length of the leash. Again, she tugs on the leash.
The cat flops over. The cat is on its side on the sidewalk, yes.
Note: Good luck, Pal.
Perhaps the phrase Look what the cat dragged in could be rephrased to suit the moment. How about, Look, I dragged the cat in!
Heck, yes!
haha. I remember trying to walk Buzz once. That's about how it went down.
There was a cat on a lease once in Sur-la-Table. It was really stinky so we left.
That is all.
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