Note: There may be more than three. I apologize.
Number One: Oh.
Note: I do not mean 'Oh' as a word of clarification, such as 'Oh, I get it' and I do not mean 'O' as the thirteenth letter of the alphabet. I mean it as eyes wide, lips pursed, eyebrows raised in the manner of 'Oh , I'm so glad that I'm not watching this with my Dad'.
See photo below.

Number Two: Wow.
Note: I do not mean 'Wow' as in 'Wow, look at that triple decker hot fudge sundae with extra whipped cream' or as in 'Wow Honey, that 2-carat diamond ring is for me?'. I mean it as 'eyes to the side, forehead creased, sideways Angelica-lips' in the manner of 'I can't believe I just saw that; please flush my eyes with warm water'.
See photo below.

Number Three: Shame!
Note: I mean it just the way it sounds. Shame! I mean it as 'Finger-wagging, you need a good spanking (wait, not a good idea) SHAME!'

Note to Adam, because I am confident he reads this blog: Dude, you're talented. Just sing, will you?
Hey's me Brooke! I was so disgusted with him the other night! exactly right. And shocking! Oh, and the sad thing is I loved him on American Idol.
Not anymore...bye bye Adam. He actually beat (in a bad way) Madonna's performace with Britney years ago. Kudos Adam! ha ha...
i was ALWAYS a fan of kris allen vs. adam in AI; adam's ability to wear capes and army boots and look kinda hot made me nervous. because i'm straight. and he's not.
and now i really hate him and he can take his leather pants and I WANNA STICK MY HOMOSEXUALITY DOWN YOUR THROAT somewhere else, now. and apparently it won't be on good morning america, right, sucka?
at least there was no "wardrobe malfunction."
Ummm I absolutley loved it. And I watch adommy alllll the time. ;) Glambert for life!
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