I am working in the backyard. The temperature is approaching 80 degrees. Amazing things happen when the temperature rises and not just in my backyard.
Case in point: Picture the gym. When the temperature rises, women wear even less clothing, if this is possible. The men are standing near the weights, preening and admiring each other. In a weird way, yes. The group sees the beautiful woman with large whatnots wearing less than usual on those same whatnots. The men assume their positions. They flex. They grunt. They cast glances at the lady. Perhaps they achieve eye contact and the eyebrows rise, in a gesture of hey baby, lookin' good.
Case in point: Picture my backyard. The sun is shining, the bees are buzzing, the birds are pecking and flitting and singing and nest-making.
Note: Birds are far better multi-taskers than some of God's other creations.
I note that the heat has lured the lizards from their hiding places and I am wondering where do they go all winter, anyhow? when it begins.
The male lizards are congregated on the sunny stones along the rock walls, preening and admiring each other. In a weird way, yes. The group sees a beautiful lady lizard with whatever-lizards-go-for and she is really strutting whatever-it-is-lizards-go-for. The men assume their positions. They assume the lizard push-up position, oh yes they do. They flex. They grunt. They cast glances at the lady. Perhaps they achieve eye contact.
That's it.
The Difference between Men and Lizards?
Eyebrows, apparently.

Heck, yes!
I would like the post if those eyebrows weren't going to give me nightmares. Yowza.
I have kissed a few men that liked the lizard tongue technique. Not a pleasant experience, let me tell you.
those were not eyebrows. that was shrubbery.
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