I am having trouble remembering things lately.
Well, it's not so much that I can not remember, it's more like I forget.
So, I am forgetting things lately. At least I think I am forgetting things. Truthfully, I am not sure about the things I may have forgotten. I mean, I don't know what they are. Because I forgot, you see. I mean, if I actually remember the things, whatever they may be, I would not have forgotten.
Let me clarify: If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it fall, does it still make a sound? When it falls, yes. That is the question.
Application of Clarification: If I forget something, whatever it may be, but don't remember, did I really forget anything at all?
Chew on that one for awhile.
Heck, yes!
Of course that's true. Wait, maybe it's not.
What was I talking about again?
Matt kinda stole my comment. So, instead, I say...hi.
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