Son has advised me that I am now enjoying the Forefront of the Mobile Computing Revolution. Scratch that. Make that Riding the Forefront of the Mobile Computing Revolution. Yes. That's it. Riding.
Note: Yes. Me.
Hub, in a fit of frivolity, bought me an iPad.
Note: He is currently sitting on the couch, playing with the iPad, which, from this point, will simply be referred to as 'Paddy'. Yes, like Paddington the Bear. So what.
Anyway, he is sitting on the couch with Paddy, watching snippets of 'All My Children', I believe, which makes him even more endearing, if that's even possible, at this point.
And Paddy is everything the media and my Son have purported him to be. Paddy has placed me smack dab in the Forefront of the Mobile Computing Revolution. And yes, Paddy is very mobile, indeed.
Here is a picture of Paddy and me lounging poolside. Mobile, indeed.

And here is a picture of Paddy and me unloading the dishwashing in a mobile fashion, yes.

Please enjoy this photo of Paddy and me in the ladies room. Mobility, mobility, mobility.

Here is a picture of Paddy and me in the shower. Ah, mobile.

And finally, Paddy and I prepare for a good night's sleep.

Sleep tight, Paddy, for tomorrow a new dawn of Riding and Computing and Mobilizing begin all over again.
Heck, yes!
I think Paddy needs to take a little trip down to the Central Valley this weekend.
Glad you are enjoying your new toy :)
I think Paddy needs to be entertained by the son for a bit. :)
Oh mamma G! That is the most fantastic thing I have ever seen! Go go go Paddy!!!
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