Nirvana (n.) : An ideal condition of rest, harmony, stability, or joy.
In an obvious little play on words, The Canyon Ranch Spa at The Venetian Hotel has a nifty little spot they have named "AquaVana". (Reminded me very much of "AquaVelva" and the "Aqua Velva Man" which then reminded me how old I am. I guess that buying men's cologne in the drugstore is a bit passe. Sigh. But I digress).
AquaVana was this place--no, this destination--no, this state of being that involved both bliss and water. The spa attendant gave me this awesome plush robe and slippers and I wandered through experiential rains (picture: hot and warm pulses of water with thunder sounding and birds singing) and heated stone seats and wave pools over my head and hot tubs and assorted saunas and steam rooms with desert themes, or tropical themes with fire and scents of alpine forests or cactus, I guess. I don't really know for sure what I was smelling but it wasn't stale Las Vegas cigarette smoke and it was AWESOME.
Based on this rapturous experience, I have come up witha couple of ideas for some "Vanas" of my own. I really should copyright them since I'm such a deep thinker and all.
"SodaVana": Endless supplies of zero-calorie diet soda (and air-popped popcorn) in every imaginable flavor combination including but not limited to Diet Twinkie Delight, Diet Peaches 'n Cream and of course Diet Hot Fudge Colada. These drinks are delivered poolside in a perfect environment--not too warm, not too cold--by a charming pool boy, perhaps the Aqua Velva man himself.
"ShoeVana": A shop filled with room-after-room of incredible shoes, all in your size. There are pumps and sandals and flipflops and platforms and flats and stilettos and sneakers and boots, yes lots of boots. And those pool boys walk around, or perhaps the Aqua Velva man himself, admiring your shoes and bringing you more shoes.
Which now brings me to the title of this blog post: Name Your Vana. Come on, I dare you.
Every gadget, all for me. I can touch, play, and do anything I want with them.
'Nuff said.
The other -vanas are not to be mentioned.
A world with an endless, calorie-free taco bar.
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